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Believe it Buster

Freakinomics tour 2016

JUNE 12/2016
Thats right ya'll I'm saying peace out w/ your Reece out I'm going global see you stateside and in the UK.Tilthen more Deets on the first my brother

last year on earth!

JUNE 12/2023

With the advent of genetic minipulation I will soon no longer need oxygen and have decided to begin my tour of the cosmos. see you on the dark side of hades.

underwater god

ambrosia food "o" the gods

recently my friend asked me how I control the weather "its all in the mindset" (and also being related to an olympian).

I'm also available foe kid shows

Dirty LIL' clown whore.
My boy Bobby Brown town really knows how to shake em' down so

Satan's play things

Damnation in a box.
recently I accuired these toys From Gearbest .com in China do not make the same mistake I did  they will devour your offspring.
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